8,917 ¿À´Ã¹æ¹®ÀÚ¼ö : 1,412 / Àüü¹æ¹®ÀÚ¼ö : 37,922,481
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µ¿¿µ»óTV(¿µ¹®) Á¦ ¸ñ ÀÛ¼ºÀÚ ÀÛ¼ºÀÏ Á¶È¸
25 How Many Animals Are Killed Every Year? [NOT Graphic]   µ¿º¸¿¬ 2019/08/22 662
24 Exposing Eggs - Public in shock about killing of baby chicks!   µ¿º¸¿¬ 2019/08/22 531
23 GASSED (The Hen Project 5)   µ¿º¸¿¬ 2019/08/22 502
22 Did you know the egg industry puts baby chicks in blenders?   µ¿º¸¿¬ 2019/08/22 508
21 Life Cycle of a Battery Cage Hen   µ¿º¸¿¬ 2019/08/22 522
20 Battery Cages/mfa   µ¿º¸¿¬ 2019/08/22 493
19 How does it feel to be a battery cage hen?   µ¿º¸¿¬ 2019/08/22 548
18 Why you need to stop eating chicken - PETA investigation   µ¿º¸¿¬ 2019/08/22 498
17 Cage vs. Cage-Free(Eng Sub)   µ¿º¸¿¬ 2017/08/01 676
16 Pig Facts for Smart People   µ¿º¸¿¬ 2016/03/08 874
15 Animal Equality investigation in chicken hatcheries   µ¿º¸¿¬ 2016/02/28 936
14 Legal, But Not Right   µ¿º¸¿¬ 2015/08/22 947
13 Stop Factory Farming   µ¿º¸¿¬ 2015/08/22 1011
12 Chimps released after almost 40 years of medical testing   µ¿º¸¿¬ 2015/08/22 935
11 Rescued Hens from Egg Farm Free For First Time   µ¿º¸¿¬ 2015/08/21 940
10 Alicia Silverstone: Go Down-Free for Birds   µ¿º¸¿¬ 2015/01/01 1036
9 Normal and Natural   µ¿º¸¿¬ 2014/11/24 1040
8 Imagine a world without factory farming   µ¿º¸¿¬ 2013/06/07 1219
7 How Geese's Feathers Are Ripped Out for Down(eng sub)   µ¿º¸¿¬ 2012/10/09 1298
6 Top 7 Reasons To Cut Out Dissection   µ¿º¸¿¬ 2010/10/28 1745
5 Stolen for Fashion   µ¿º¸¿¬ 2009/03/11 2265
4 Lowe's Glue-Trap Cruelty   µ¿º¸¿¬ 2009/01/29 2326
3 PETA - Animal Testing Overview   µ¿¹°º¸È£¿¬ÇÕ 2008/03/16 2475
2 8 Reasons for Animal Birth Control(English Subtitles)   µ¿¹°º¸È£¿¬ÇÕ 2007/12/31 2006
1 Stella McCartney's Fur Farm Investigation   µ¿¹°º¸È£¿¬ÇÕ 2007/10/22 1757

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Çѱ¹µ¿¹°º¸È£¿¬ÇÕ(Korea Association for Animal Protection) | ÀüÈ­:02)707-3590 | À̸ÞÀÏÁÖ¼Ò: LWB22028@hanmail.net